I can hear the snow plow

He is here. Churning up the driveway. We got a big dump last night. And more planned today (not quite the inches but more nonetheless). Ski club happened with all the gleeful teenagers piling on the schoolbuses with all their new ski pants and equipment...all plugged in, ready to go. No one was listening to opera.

Today is a day for me (I hope) with work on the thesis and drawing. I think I will look at the paper requirements just to familiarize myself with the who what when and my favorite, t he how. How to caption, how to bibliograph, how to flow the content (that is, if I can find the outline Doug Andersen gave us last July). If not, hey, there's drawing.

am valentining. Must go. Also, may correct a few images and do some output as well. Time's a wasting.