Monday revisions

Sunshiny pattern, Q, Cassetti, 2010, digitalSausage fest was good. The shirts were a hit. Pink tees were declared as “awesome”. The gang loved the lake, loved the water, loved the “chilling”, There was a lot of eating by all. It was fun and civilized at the same time. Even the parking worked out. All the leftover corn was devoured today for lunch. Sausage will be devoured tomorrow.

Speaking of corn, Shady Grove, stellar dog and my lady in waiting, has discovered corncobs. They are equal to her favorite toy and chewie (pinecones…the more sap the better). Its a little undoing to see her wandering around with a corncob sticking out of her black mouth…When will this stop?

Ordered a pair of white glasses from, a California based concern that sells prescription glasses from $8.00 to $35.00.  Some hilarious frames (argyle anyone?). It will be good to have some glasses for fun…and maybe an extra pair of long glasses for fun and entertainment. There are jewels, patterned side bars and lots of color in the frames and of course, in the glass…perhaps some yellow glasses with purple lenses? Lime green frames, pink lenses? Or super round, Philip Johnson memorial glasses? At these prices,fun seems to be an option in eyewear. Wait wait…there are stripes and leopard skin ones? Wow.

Met with my friend on his special project. We are trying to nail this brand down for his new project. Went through the sketch process and we will see where it goes. Still wiggly. I wish I could psych this one out…it just seems to be a moving point. This should be easier… though, I must admit, the stuff that has been generated has legs beyond this project. There should be an easier path to this. Need to keep going.

It looks like a downpour. Rob has a meeting. I have petfood to buy. Kitty is out and about. Alex is on deck with me. We need to get ice as the damned fridge is down for the count again. Urg.