More from Mr. Hnizdovsky

all images above:
Reprinted with kind permission.
© S. Hnizdovsky, 1985

Yesterday we got Kitty off to the Adirondacks with her beautiful , blonde triple friends. Alex was off to a party in Geneva, so R. and I had the evening just for us. We found ourselves at Felicia's Atomic Lounge where Paris Texas(a Django Reinhardt inspired trio) was playing. We met up with Peter Hoover who was offering a large plate of dilly beans to all assembled and sharing nips of his Rhubarb Brandy he had recently concocted. The music was great as were Peter's tales of bootlegging, field recording and music and how the two inevitably became/become overlapping. Peter's tales of localvore dining, wine and liquor from the divine peach brandy made from overripe peaches that had wintered in a commercial fridge at a local fruit farm, to the double cherry brandy that he kept folding into the next the beautiful pinkjuice that the rhubarb produces. We talked about his time in Pittsburgh and how he had met Arnold Bank and then, as if it had been planned, I got a Facebook message from a field recorder friend of his who was also a student of Arnold. The message was very nice and saying that he and I had a mutual friend who was in from London....Arnold and Rose's son, Stephen! Another reason to join Facebook!

Must get the loose ends finished up this weekend. Then there is packing for Hartford. I was thrilled to look over my collection of cardboard boxes to find there was a perfect box for all my 15x20 prints. Must go, work awaits.

Oh, and the images above again are from Jacques Hnizdovsky. The beans are a bow to Peter's beans!