starting work

needed some eyes. here is the first shot. This is a part of one of my opposite pictures.

rainy.cold. looking like rain. A. is in ill humor. Women trouble, maybe.

We were the target of every telephone solicitation for numerous yellow pages (at least 3 yellow pages requests daily since Tuesday). When told I wouldnt give them my birthdate, they would swear and hang up the phone. This was after the sweet lady handed me off to their less articulate, cranky, "manager" to confirm data. Creepy. People offering debt consolidation. Robots with some financial offer. I have had enough. A little awfulness surfaced Tuesday that I have done my homework on...and am still pretty wired about before I tell you. I pity older, more vulnerable people who are preyed on by this offal. My friend and accountant also owns a credit collection company urges me to call Eliot Spitzer's office ( NYS Attny.Gen'l) to report these creeps. Creeps!

However,a story awaits for you.