first shot

I was given a sketch generated by high school folks who need some work done to create a teeshirt to raise funds for a skate park. This is the first shot against their thinking. My thinking was to get it to this place, and then look around a little. I was reading my wonderful Juxatpoz magazine, and they have a ton of articles, show notices and ads featuring tattoo graphics, and car art/pinstripers and car letterers (they have a group and call themselves Pinheads (I think)). They have some cool details (like swatches,flourishes,etc) that could be layered onto this graphic. I was thinking roses?

Also, went back to the center of the universe, Shepard Fairey (genius boy and also a creator of some pretty unbelievable skateboard graphics) to see what he would do...and first color is a bit of a problem...but its Tburg and there isnt much money to do this sort of thing....However, when we get going on the final work, perhaps we work in an illustration of the boy the park is memorializing as a tribute and also because we can....Yay Shepard! Any thoughts?