Not finished

Well. I got up this morning with an illustration half baked and another finished (the solution was front of mind when I woke up). Gary Kelley would only look at the half baked one (which, to his credit, is the tough thing for me. Gary seems to have an extrordinary ability to size up each student, identify their abilities and push them to work in the scary space. For me, he rightly feels that I need to be bringing my own drawing into my illustrations --the the need for the devil. This is very astute--and though this illustration is not complete--he has forced me to begin to bridge this...and I will complete this piece to prove that. At the final critique, every student put a piece up that transcended every piece they have done to dste...Gary gave salient and intelligent input and ideas--along with summing up where each person needs to work and struggle. Wow. Well worth the time. He is the BEST.

The class behind us may get some meetings with then Battle Axe to Grind prior to working on their thesis so they can build the art in...kind of like building "the quality in" their thesis. Art and artfulness. Lucky ducks!

Hotter than the land of the dancing demons.

More later