Sturm und drang

Asparagus, Q. Cassetti, 2012, vectorIf tomorrow is Super Tuesday, does this make it Super Monday? I am loving the sturm und drang of the Republicans—all of it comic and ridiculous with the current apex of insanity being el Rushbo nationally calling out a 23 year old law student calling her a prostitute. El Rushbo is a rude, arrogant brute who vascillates between being sewn onto the coat of Republican party and denying his engagement in this group. He is a vicious man with a bully pulpit that speaks to the tremendously vocal minority. I used to think he was funny in his insanity, but this recent episode has eliminated all the funny this ass espouses. I hope that the bile splashback onto the Republican party is significant and lasting. It is alarming to me that to  the Republicans, contraception is more imporant than world affairs, more important thans olvency, more important than energy, pollution, education, the future. What does the consititutional right of religion have to do with each and every individual woman making independent and personal decisions about her own health and body? What is about bringing contraception into the office and allowing one’s boss to decide who gets it covered or not (Blunt Rubio amendment).

There is a right and wrong in this matter. It is an individual decision…the right of the individual versus a societal one. Why is it that these men have any, ANY say in this matter? What is with this nasty vaginal probe requirement in Virginia? Each and every legislator who votes for this should have to experience it before voting (and be FORCED to see  the monitor). No one can make decisions about  other people’s bodies particularly the “weaker” sex. I hope someone is doing some pretty intense pollling just to confirm that the Republicans do not care for the women’s vote as they have, to my thinking, cast it right in the garbage. Say good bye to 50.8% of the votes. Enough for my angry, mismatched ramblings…it just obscene that we are focusing on things that isnt a group decision but that of an individual. There is so much more to talk about and resolve to make the world a better place.

Thank you for your patience today. Just had to say it.



Corn from Atkins Farms, Q. Cassetti, 2010Atkins Farms was full bore into autumn. They were doing the make your own scarecrow thing (like crazy..since the last time we were there mid September). There were pumpkins of all shapes, sizes and varieties along with a crazy selection of gourds. Of course there were corn sheaves to decorate with along with popcorn on the cob and this stuff to the left, indian corn. I love indian corn….never buy it cause I just love it as a thing. You don’t eat it…you just hang it up or use it to add color to a little harvest shrine or decoration you make in the display area of your mansionette. We have yet to create a display area, and frankly, I would rather be drawing than making displays (more like work than play) . So pictures will have to do. Back to Indian Corn. In this day and age of politically correctness—when Christmas Cards are Holiday Cards and all the antics in December January are called the holidays and not Christmas, Christmas Eve, Hanukah, or Kwanzaa…Why is it acceptable to call this decorator vegetable/grain “Indian” corn? Just a thought. I like it because I do not have to change my vocabulary on this one…and it refers to those people who taught us that this was a worthy and fine foodstuff.

Big day today on the work front. Plenty to do speaking of holiday work…and small projects that need to be nudged forward. Need to work on a job description….for Craig’s List etc. Also, need to start upping the ante on some bad teaching happening with Alex. There is some stuff going on that is not acceptable. Wasn’t the first year he had this teacher, and now is totally unacceptable as we are paying good money for inadequate work on the school’s end of things. No, I am not going to negotiate with the individual as I do not have any control over those things that are important (salary, wages, benefits) but I contribute mightily to them. I am pissed off…and going to go nuclear on this one. Thankfully, Alex is right behind me and fine with it.
