Learning a bit

I've been tooling around the web, looking for places to link my blog or become part of communities to drive more traffic outside of the pop that Illustration Friday gives me on Fridays> Mondays when I submit. I have joined Technorati, Blog Catalog, Gather,Blogarama, BF Directory and 2-Review (nice little buttons on the side). I have really enjoyed this process to learn by acting about tags, placement etc. and its made me to really realize that content is key in the world of blogs (and the world in general). A blog filled with picture is okay, but thin. So my blabbing on has a little more value than that I have been giving it. I need to give this more attention to better understand this world and how the Rongovian Academy of Fine Arts can work harder for me.

I had to do a totally clean redo of my OS etc. on the other computer and have discovered the terrific new browser, Flock (linked to Flickr and that world)--which is great and am enjoying it as much as my former fave, Firefox. It pops images up from your Flickr account--and runs them across the top of the page, it imports all the bookmarks etc. from your former accounts. they have incorporated the Flickr uploader into the whole package. And you can open and access your blog through the account. This is terrific and smooth...the only catch for me would be that the design might not be so great. But, with any tool, its who is using it...not what it does. However, it is like buttah.

The other fun thing I have discovered is an add to Firefox called, StumbleUpon. They say about themselves:
Channel surf the internet with the StumbleUpon toolbar to find great websites, videos, photos and more based on your interests. StumbleUpon learns what you like and makes better recommendations.

You essentially download a little widget for the Firefox toolbar that once installed, you can click the Stumbleupon button that clicks you through a progression of websites and blogs that you can give a thumbs up/thumbs down, rate it as a friend or a favorite and all of this registers on your personal page at StumbleUpon. It is a nice way outside of bookmarking, that you can refine what you like, and learn more on the web. Saw some cool little toys like this:

Ultimate Flash Face>>
Ready Mechs>>
Barcode Yourself
Hero Machine>>

Toys to amuse you today. Aimless dumb stuff. Gotta go and find a notary to get K's Art stuff off to Albany. Big concert tonight.