Sheldrake Clean-up

All gone. All the wood. All the leaves, all the branches. Clean as a whistle. I pitied the scheduled weddings last weekend as the place looked trashed. Now, neat and tidy. Mr. Hair came and did a lovely job...stacking the oak ( from the thrice struck oak known by the locals and Luckystoners as the "dangerous oak) logs which were interesting curly like typographic curlie Qs. After the hedge trimming and the bit of weeding, we are looking a little less like a bomb hit. Henry, the Amish roofer will be giving us a new roof at the Lodge as we have roof tiles flying across the yard with some of them worn to it's core. Thankfully this is something we can do now...before the rain and snow. Might happen this week.

Rochester Red Wings have a game this Saturday. I think we are on for that.

Shady Grove discovered little frogs yesterday. Even better than squirrels.

Syracuse still hasn't gotten us (any of us) our thesis papers to amend and send back. The dude that needs us to send us buckets of stuff ( paperwork, approvals, files etc) just happily came back from vacation (our deadline is July 1) with answers to a mass of questions from his stack of requirements we need to provide. He says they need all of our images at 300 dpi to size. This sounds extremely fishy. Do they have the right to use our images in University publications without our knowledge? I do not recall approving any document allowing Syracuse full usage rights to our images. I am beginning to see red about this and may, via email, crank it up publicly with my classmates to point up what this possibly means. I know they don't see this freight train coming down the tracks. To be honest, I don't have a problem with SU using our images...what I have a problem with is the covert and stupid way this is handled with no explanation or qualifications of how they would use them. Should I watermark all the files to cover myself? Urg. This shouldnt be such a pain--and it is, due to no one minding the store.

More later.